Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2024
Generated 01-Sep-2024 00:14 +05

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2024
Total Hits 200087
Total Files 116840
Total Pages 143057
Total Visits 40701
Total KBytes 2231776
Total Unique Sites 8172
Total Unique URLs 567
Total Unique Referrers 1178
Total Unique User Agents 2574
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 268 13414
Hits per Day 6454 17318
Files per Day 3769 8649
Pages per Day 4614 16197
Sites per Day 263 1308
Visits per Day 1312 2234
KBytes per Day 71993 251472
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 58.39% 116840
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.10% 205
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 37.47% 74964
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.01% 16
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.05% 106
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.03% 65
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.13% 260
Code 404 - Not Found 3.45% 6911
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.36% 720

Daily usage for August 2024

Daily Statistics for August 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 3074 1.54% 1721 1.47% 2159 1.51% 1118 2.75% 823 10.07% 21575 0.97%
2 5331 2.66% 2928 2.51% 3204 2.24% 1135 2.79% 738 9.03% 41723 1.87%
3 7407 3.70% 5038 4.31% 5221 3.65% 1878 4.61% 1025 12.54% 70106 3.14%
4 4115 2.06% 2301 1.97% 3242 2.27% 1624 3.99% 1046 12.80% 33103 1.48%
5 8254 4.13% 5458 4.67% 4860 3.40% 1790 4.40% 1252 15.32% 72599 3.25%
6 5503 2.75% 3427 2.93% 3519 2.46% 1769 4.35% 1308 16.01% 51595 2.31%
7 5572 2.78% 3370 2.88% 3568 2.49% 1479 3.63% 996 12.19% 45857 2.05%
8 7799 3.90% 4389 3.76% 3403 2.38% 1399 3.44% 911 11.15% 57105 2.56%
9 4415 2.21% 2704 2.31% 2404 1.68% 1193 2.93% 659 8.06% 41853 1.88%
10 5533 2.77% 3381 2.89% 3725 2.60% 1495 3.67% 928 11.36% 47740 2.14%
11 7046 3.52% 5009 4.29% 5040 3.52% 1477 3.63% 826 10.11% 64986 2.91%
12 4066 2.03% 2138 1.83% 2205 1.54% 977 2.40% 738 9.03% 27865 1.25%
13 8485 4.24% 4083 3.49% 6769 4.73% 1403 3.45% 955 11.69% 51827 2.32%
14 5483 2.74% 3378 2.89% 4161 2.91% 1050 2.58% 583 7.13% 44712 2.00%
15 17318 8.66% 8649 7.40% 16197 11.32% 919 2.26% 783 9.58% 42001 1.88%
16 5503 2.75% 2970 2.54% 3194 2.23% 1306 3.21% 833 10.19% 44389 1.99%
17 7457 3.73% 5213 4.46% 6248 4.37% 1197 2.94% 843 10.32% 144489 6.47%
18 8709 4.35% 4830 4.13% 7312 5.11% 1235 3.03% 909 11.12% 54478 2.44%
19 5636 2.82% 3457 2.96% 3692 2.58% 1446 3.55% 1002 12.26% 51609 2.31%
20 7439 3.72% 2277 1.95% 4430 3.10% 768 1.89% 633 7.75% 38140 1.71%
21 5359 2.68% 2794 2.39% 4057 2.84% 1191 2.93% 870 10.65% 43794 1.96%
22 6098 3.05% 3710 3.18% 4578 3.20% 977 2.40% 764 9.35% 233736 10.47%
23 7053 3.52% 3991 3.42% 5553 3.88% 995 2.44% 779 9.53% 234872 10.52%
24 5785 2.89% 3882 3.32% 4086 2.86% 1420 3.49% 1070 13.09% 105327 4.72%
25 6153 3.08% 4347 3.72% 4779 3.34% 1307 3.21% 1054 12.90% 251472 11.27%
26 5103 2.55% 3132 2.68% 3056 2.14% 1327 3.26% 1064 13.02% 48570 2.18%
27 6630 3.31% 3476 2.98% 5395 3.77% 2234 5.49% 895 10.95% 52635 2.36%
28 5262 2.63% 2113 1.81% 4430 3.10% 1249 3.07% 927 11.34% 32274 1.45%
29 10376 5.19% 8224 7.04% 6694 4.68% 1246 3.06% 657 8.04% 110275 4.94%
30 3604 1.80% 2050 1.75% 2436 1.70% 1097 2.70% 756 9.25% 33269 1.49%
31 4519 2.26% 2400 2.05% 3440 2.40% 1139 2.80% 738 9.03% 37802 1.69%

Hourly usage for August 2024

Hourly Statistics for August 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 235 7301 3.65% 138 4283 3.67% 159 4939 3.45% 2243 69533 3.12%
1 233 7228 3.61% 135 4186 3.58% 155 4835 3.38% 2060 63855 2.86%
2 290 9017 4.51% 159 4937 4.23% 223 6937 4.85% 2575 79824 3.58%
3 269 8364 4.18% 158 4911 4.20% 152 4718 3.30% 3051 94589 4.24%
4 204 6334 3.17% 128 3981 3.41% 127 3955 2.76% 2969 92046 4.12%
5 373 11576 5.79% 219 6806 5.83% 290 9018 6.30% 3611 111951 5.02%
6 214 6654 3.33% 136 4240 3.63% 143 4442 3.11% 3008 93242 4.18%
7 226 7013 3.50% 139 4309 3.69% 152 4736 3.31% 3093 95889 4.30%
8 188 5836 2.92% 119 3708 3.17% 127 3957 2.77% 3041 94282 4.22%
9 290 8996 4.50% 197 6128 5.24% 216 6726 4.70% 5808 180051 8.07%
10 642 19916 9.95% 331 10279 8.80% 583 18083 12.64% 2997 92913 4.16%
11 179 5578 2.79% 113 3512 3.01% 119 3700 2.59% 2662 82510 3.70%
12 241 7476 3.74% 147 4564 3.91% 171 5326 3.72% 2979 92364 4.14%
13 253 7854 3.93% 174 5402 4.62% 185 5746 4.02% 3263 101144 4.53%
14 296 9205 4.60% 180 5593 4.79% 212 6595 4.61% 3618 112167 5.03%
15 275 8552 4.27% 152 4712 4.03% 190 5901 4.12% 3099 96071 4.30%
16 265 8242 4.12% 166 5158 4.41% 158 4925 3.44% 3322 102975 4.61%
17 288 8947 4.47% 136 4235 3.62% 173 5366 3.75% 2938 91066 4.08%
18 217 6756 3.38% 135 4197 3.59% 159 4956 3.46% 2668 82719 3.71%
19 207 6426 3.21% 125 3899 3.34% 145 4518 3.16% 2664 82569 3.70%
20 296 9195 4.60% 161 4999 4.28% 223 6935 4.85% 3356 104021 4.66%
21 257 7975 3.99% 137 4273 3.66% 186 5780 4.04% 2448 75902 3.40%
22 278 8627 4.31% 151 4691 4.01% 204 6352 4.44% 2550 79035 3.54%
23 226 7019 3.51% 123 3837 3.28% 148 4611 3.22% 1970 61059 2.74%

Top 30 of 567 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 31216 15.60% 471271 21.12% /dictionary
2 20636 10.31% 270815 12.13% /dictionary.php
3 8424 4.21% 15924 0.71% /stats/
4 6580 3.29% 700053 31.37% /stats/usage_202408.html
5 6501 3.25% 106196 4.76% /
6 5868 2.93% 89993 4.03% /news
7 4844 2.42% 404 0.02% /robots.txt
8 3467 1.73% 61103 2.74% /weather
9 2061 1.03% 33854 1.52% /weather.php
10 1424 0.71% 539 0.02% /schedule_rss
11 1329 0.66% 19340 0.87% /stations
12 1059 0.53% 13834 0.62% /schedule
13 1038 0.52% 12788 0.57% /site.php
14 1022 0.51% 17854 0.80% /company
15 861 0.43% 18864 0.85% /tourism
16 782 0.39% 9949 0.45% /site
17 763 0.38% 18528 0.83% /articles
18 696 0.35% 19310 0.87% /rest_house
19 608 0.30% 1506 0.07% /counter.php
20 527 0.26% 13756 0.62% /news_rss
21 511 0.26% 450 0.02% /d_i/me.js
22 453 0.23% 1590 0.07% /styles.css
23 400 0.20% 11045 0.49% /monitoring
24 385 0.19% 18 0.00% /m.gif
25 381 0.19% 27 0.00% /d_i/search.gif
26 306 0.15% 8434 0.38% /radio.php
27 299 0.15% 1587 0.07% /d_i/fon.jpg
28 295 0.15% 6651 0.30% /geonet.png
29 293 0.15% 6762 0.30% /lakes
30 290 0.14% 28 0.00% /d_i/line6.gif

Top 10 of 567 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 6580 3.29% 700053 31.37% /stats/usage_202408.html
2 31216 15.60% 471271 21.12% /dictionary
3 20636 10.31% 270815 12.13% /dictionary.php
4 6501 3.25% 106196 4.76% /
5 5868 2.93% 89993 4.03% /news
6 3467 1.73% 61103 2.74% /weather
7 2061 1.03% 33854 1.52% /weather.php
8 249 0.12% 32543 1.46% /top.jpg
9 1329 0.66% 19340 0.87% /stations
10 696 0.35% 19310 0.87% /rest_house

Top 10 of 171 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 31216 15.60% 11214 32.14% /dictionary
2 6501 3.25% 9665 27.70% /
3 1424 0.71% 2179 6.25% /schedule_rss
4 3467 1.73% 1817 5.21% /weather
5 5868 2.93% 1276 3.66% /news
6 8424 4.21% 1139 3.26% /stats/
7 1329 0.66% 797 2.28% /stations
8 861 0.43% 568 1.63% /tourism
9 763 0.38% 507 1.45% /articles
10 103 0.05% 492 1.41% /photogalery

Top 10 of 178 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 31216 15.60% 11286 32.22% /dictionary
2 6501 3.25% 9698 27.68% /
3 1424 0.71% 2186 6.24% /schedule_rss
4 3467 1.73% 1776 5.07% /weather
5 5868 2.93% 1306 3.73% /news
6 8424 4.21% 1153 3.29% /stats/
7 1329 0.66% 818 2.34% /stations
8 861 0.43% 644 1.84% /tourism
9 763 0.38% 515 1.47% /articles
10 103 0.05% 484 1.38% /photogalery

Top 30 of 8172 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 6567 3.28% 6565 5.62% 699875 31.36% 5 0.01%
2 5330 2.66% 0 0.00% 843 0.04% 8 0.02%
3 3614 1.81% 0 0.00% 89 0.00% 479 1.18%
4 2564 1.28% 2042 1.75% 68947 3.09% 271 0.67%
5 2504 1.25% 2391 2.05% 99728 4.47% 1 0.00%
6 2361 1.18% 1180 1.01% 14036 0.63% 11 0.03%
7 2329 1.16% 0 0.00% 368 0.02% 1 0.00%
8 2112 1.06% 1976 1.69% 26194 1.17% 9 0.02%
9 2083 1.04% 1940 1.66% 25420 1.14% 13 0.03%
10 1867 0.93% 0 0.00% 295 0.01% 2 0.00%
11 1850 0.92% 1707 1.46% 22190 0.99% 16 0.04%
12 1759 0.88% 878 0.75% 10412 0.47% 8 0.02%
13 1578 0.79% 788 0.67% 9094 0.41% 0 0.00%
14 1549 0.77% 774 0.66% 9178 0.41% 8 0.02%
15 1399 0.70% 702 0.60% 27381 1.23% 8 0.02%
16 1397 0.70% 0 0.00% 221 0.01% 1 0.00%
17 1265 0.63% 1083 0.93% 13410 0.60% 6 0.01%
18 1042 0.52% 260 0.22% 3848 0.17% 349 0.86%
19 1005 0.50% 512 0.44% 6112 0.27% 4 0.01%
20 949 0.47% 468 0.40% 5622 0.25% 4 0.01%
21 939 0.47% 1 0.00% 162 0.01% 3 0.01%
22 934 0.47% 467 0.40% 5483 0.25% 8 0.02%
23 914 0.46% 455 0.39% 5413 0.24% 5 0.01%
24 849 0.42% 452 0.39% 5530 0.25% 5 0.01%
25 848 0.42% 2 0.00% 230 0.01% 2 0.00%
26 808 0.40% 402 0.34% 4728 0.21% 5 0.01%
27 797 0.40% 396 0.34% 4735 0.21% 5 0.01%
28 791 0.40% 398 0.34% 4754 0.21% 2 0.00%
29 791 0.40% 545 0.47% 7356 0.33% 214 0.53%
30 788 0.39% 394 0.34% 4702 0.21% 3 0.01%

Top 10 of 8172 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 6567 3.28% 6565 5.62% 699875 31.36% 5 0.01%
2 2504 1.25% 2391 2.05% 99728 4.47% 1 0.00%
3 2564 1.28% 2042 1.75% 68947 3.09% 271 0.67%
4 1399 0.70% 702 0.60% 27381 1.23% 8 0.02%
5 2112 1.06% 1976 1.69% 26194 1.17% 9 0.02%
6 2083 1.04% 1940 1.66% 25420 1.14% 13 0.03%
7 1850 0.92% 1707 1.46% 22190 0.99% 16 0.04%
8 2361 1.18% 1180 1.01% 14036 0.63% 11 0.03%
9 1265 0.63% 1083 0.93% 13410 0.60% 6 0.01%
10 1759 0.88% 878 0.75% 10412 0.47% 8 0.02%

Top 30 of 1178 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 149537 74.74% - (Direct Request)
2 16665 8.33%
3 5429 2.71%
4 2589 1.29%
5 2161 1.08%
6 2015 1.01%
7 1954 0.98%
8 1724 0.86%
9 1520 0.76%
10 857 0.43%
11 583 0.29%
12 400 0.20%
13 393 0.20%
14 332 0.17%
15 265 0.13%
16 239 0.12%
17 226 0.11%
18 205 0.10%
19 199 0.10%
20 186 0.09%
21 169 0.08%
22 164 0.08%
23 163 0.08%
24 163 0.08%
25 161 0.08%
26 152 0.08%
27 149 0.07%
28 148 0.07%
29 139 0.07%
30 139 0.07%

Top 16 of 16 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 12 31.58%
2 5 13.16%
3 4 10.53%
4 4 10.53%
5 2 5.26%
6 1 2.63%
7 1 2.63%
8 1 2.63%
9 1 2.63%
10 1 2.63%
11 1 2.63%
12 1 2.63%
13 1 2.63%
14 1 2.63%
15 1 2.63%
16 1 2.63% малая алматинская кругосветка с талгара

Top 15 of 2574 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 48860 24.42% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
2 14227 7.11% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
3 13333 6.66% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/127.0.6533.99 Safari/537.36
4 9094 4.55% Go-http-client/1.1
5 8409 4.20% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
6 8394 4.20% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
7 6367 3.18% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexMetrika/2.0; + yabs01)
8 6028 3.01% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
9 5614 2.81% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
10 4753 2.38% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
11 3332 1.67% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/127.0.6533.120 Safari/537.36
12 2726 1.36% FeedBurner/1.0 (
13 2504 1.25% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeekportBot; +
14 2356 1.18% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/127.0.6533.119 Mobile
15 2330 1.16% fasthttp

Usage by Country for August 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 200087 100.00% 117045 100.18% 2231776 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23